Home » BIO TREE and Nаtural Park “Rila Monastery” finished a project for restoration of two endangered species population

BIO TREE and Nаtural Park “Rila Monastery” finished a project for restoration of two endangered species population

BIO TREE Ltd completed the project for conservation of populations of two important plant species – gentiana /Gentiana punctata/ and Fritillaria /Fritillaria gussichiae/ within the Natural park “Rila Monastery”. The project “Implementation of activities included in the Management plan of the National Park “Rila Monastery” under Operational Programme “Environment 2007 – 2013”. The activities of the project includs the development of technology for in vitro propagation of the species  Fritillaria gussichiae and  Gentiana punctata, their acclimatization to the natural conditions and maintenance of a gene bank from the two species.  On site activities include the collection of the minimum number of plants from both species for the research purposes and subsequent planting of the young plants in their natural habitats. The activities are performed together with representatives of the Natural park.

Reproduction of both species occur with the use of two different approaches. In Fritillaria species were used bulb slices  to induce adventitious organogenesis as a system for in vitro formation of small bulbs. In gentiana species  root segments were used for the development of new plants.

The plants produced from both species were planted in the park in autumn 2014, with additional quantities will be available for planting in spring 2015.