Scope І

Development of highly effective in vitro propagation technologies for valuable plant species

Company personnel are actively involved in research and putting in to mass scale production of innovation products with wide commercial the application. For the short period after the establishment of the company several scientific projects have been developed. On the basis of these projects we have elaborated several new methods for in vitro propagation of different plant species.

  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of Paulownia. The technology is protected with Certificate for protection of useful model № 1228/27.11.2009. и Application for invention patent 110333/23.02.2009г. (the project was finalized in 2009)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of Popоulus alba. (the project was finalized in 2010)
  • Protocol for in vitro propagation if Jacaranda. (finalized 2013)
  • Protocol for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of Lycium barbarumProtected with certificate for protection of useful model № 1457/17.08.2011г. (finalized 2014)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus ) (under development)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of hippophaes (Hippophae) (finalized 2013)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of black walnut Juglans nigra (under development)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of wild cherry Prunus avium L (finalized 2015)
  • Under development is the protocol for in vitro propagation of 4 South American tree species – La pacho (Tabebuia heptaphylla); Cedrela fissilisParapiptadenia rigidaPeltophorum dubium. All of the species posess highy valuable timber, with huge interst for commercial growing, as well as for timber but also for afforestation of vast tropical territories with native species.  The project is developed under request of German company that develops business activities in South America
  • Project title “Development of highly effective technology for in vitro propagation of Goji berry (Lycium barbarum), financed under Contract № BG161PO003-1.1.05-0071-С0001 Operational program “Development of competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007-2013 (finalized 2014)
  • Project “Conduction of activities for restoration and conservation of populations of two endangered plant species Gentiana punctate and Fritillaria gussichiae at the territory of Nature park “Rila monastery”, project № DIR 5113326-9-104 “Implementation of activities under the management plan of Nature park Rila monastery” Operational program “Enviroment 2007-2013”. (finalized 2014).