R&D projects

Bio tree R&D activities are focused in three directions:

Scope І – Development of highly effective in vitro propagation technologies for valuable plant species.

Company personnel are actively involved in research and putting in to mass scale production of innovation products with wide commercial the application. For the short period after the establishment of the company several scientific projects have been developed. On the basis of these projects we have elaborated several new methods for in vitro propagation of different plant species.

  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of Paulownia. The technology is protected with Certificate for protection of useful model № 1228/27.11.2009. и Application for invention patent 110333/23.02.2009г. (the project was finalized in 2009)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of Popоulus alba. (the project was finalized in 2010)
  • Protocol for in vitro propagation if Jacaranda. (finalized 2013)
  • Protocol for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of Lycium barbarumProtected with certificate for protection of useful model № 1457/17.08.2011г. (under development)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus ) (under development)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of hippophaes (Hippophae) (finalized 2013)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of black walnut Juglans nigra (under development)
  • Complete technology for in vitro propagation and acclimatization of wild cherry Prunus avium L (under development)
  • Under development is the protocol for in vitro propagation of 4 South American tree species – La pacho (Tabebuia heptaphylla); Cedrela fissilisParapiptadenia rigidaPeltophorum dubium. All of the species posess highy valuable timber, with huge interst for commercial growing, as well as for timber but also for afforestation of vast tropical territories with native species.  The project is developed under request of German company that develops business activities in South America
  • Project title “Development of highly effective technology for in vitro propagation of Goji berry (Lycium barbarum), financed under Contract № BG161PO003-1.1.05-0071-С0001 Operational program “Development of competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy” 2007-2013(project under development)
  • Project “Conduction of activities for restoration and conservation of populations of two endangered plant species Gentiana punctate and Fritillaria gussichiae at the territory of Nature park “Rila monastery”, project № DIR 5113326-9-104 “Implementation of activities under the management plan of Nature park Rila monastery” Operational program “Enviroment 2007-2013”. (project under development).


Scope ІІ – Participation as partners in scientific projects with Bulgarian research institutes.

Bio tree initiates and is actively involved in different joint research projects that enrich the quality, background and characteristics of our products as well as our knowledge for these plants.

One of the main directions for research projects is Goji berry:

  • Analysis of the biochemical composition of Biotree’s new cultivar “JB1″ and “JB4“.  Together with Medicinal university, department “Analyses and synthesis of bioactive compounds”, Sofia.

Recently BIO TREE finished the development of detailed technology for intensive conventional cultivation of Goji berry in cooperation with Prof. Valentin Lichev from Agriculture university, Plovdiv. You can find the first results here.

More than two years of research is conducted in cooperation with Bulgarian scientific bodies over our Paulownia PAULEMIABELLISSIA и OXI.

  • Genetic identification of different Paulownia BIO TREE selected cultivars. The project is realized together with Agrobioinstitute, Agricultural Academy. (project is under development)
  • Use of cultivars Paulownia Bellissia, Oxi and Shandong for bioremediation of contaminated lands. The project is implemented together with Sofia University, Faculty of biology, section Plant physiology. The research targets the effects of three heavy metals (cadmium, zinc and lead) over the growth, photosynthesis and antioxidative defense in three lines of Paulownia, with the aim to evaluate their resistance to pollution with heavy metals. The project is under development. The current research results have been reported at different scientific conferences and are published in several research papers:
  1. Photosynthesis and growth response of Paulownia hybrid plants to heavy metals Cd, Pb and Zn. Sofia University, Faculty of biology, section Plant physiology – finished project 2011-2012  … more info here and here
  2. Miladinova, K., T. Georgieva, K. Ivanova, M. Geneva, K. Danova, Y. Markovska. 2012. Cadmium and lead effects on ex vitro growth and antioxidative response of two Paulownia clones. Presented t the international conference “ecology – multi discipline science and practice”, …more info here →
  3. Miladinova, K., T. Georgieva, K. Ivanova, M. Geneva, K. Danova, Y. Markovska. 2012. Ex vitro growth and antioxidative responses of two Paulownia clones to Zn excess. … more info here
  4. Tzvetkova, N., K. Miladinova, K. Ivanova, T. Georgieva, M. Geneva, Y. Markovska. 2013. Possibility for using of two Paulownia lines as a tool for remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil, In: Journal of Environmental Biology (in press) – the research over BELLISSIA and SHANDONG investigate their potential for extraction of  (cadmium, zinc, copper, lead and iron) from contaminated soils. Only three months after planting the concentrations re reduced significantly (Cd – from 4,8 mg/kg dry soil to 0,7 and 2,2 mg/kg respectively for Shandong and Bellissia for Pb – from 115,5 to 32 and 41,5; for Zn – from 199,5 to 74,5 и 99; for  Fe – from 48730 to 14975 and 30070). The main quantities of metals are accumulated in the roots. The exceptions are the zinc and lead, which are allocated to a slightly greater extent in the above-ground parts … more info here →
  5. Tzvetkova, N., K. Miladinova, K. Ivanova, T. Georgieva, M. Geneva, Y. Markovska. 2013. EDTA mediated hytoextraction of Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd by two Paulownia hybrid plants, Presented at the interntional conference in Izmir, Turkey ….more info here →


  •  Research on cultivars TAMEA, BELLISSIA and OXI for remediation of soils with high concentration of salts. The project is implemented together with Sofia University, Faculty of biology, section Plant physiology. The project is under development. The current research results have been reported at different scientific conferences and are published in several research papers:
  1. Influence of Salt Stress on Ex Vitro Growth and Antioxidative Response of Two Paulownia Clones. The project is implemented together with Sofia University, Faculty of biology, section Plant physiology (finalized 2011-2012)… more info,  here and here
  2. K. Ivanova, K. Miladinova, T. Georgieva, Y. Markovska. 2013. Influence of salt stress on some physiological parameters of two Paulownia lines,. … more info here →
  3. K. Ivanova, K. Miladinova, T. Georgieva, Y. Markovska. 2013. Possible role of some antioxidative enzymes in tolerance of Paulownia to NaCl.
  4. Miladinova, K., T. Georgieva, K. Ivanova, M. Geneva, K. Danova, Y. Markovska. 2013. The salinity effect on morphology and pigments content in three Paulownia clones grown ex vitro, Bulg. J. Agr. Sci., 19(2), 52-56. IF-0.189 published in Bulgarian journal of agricultural science, vol 19 part II, 52-56. Comparison between number of morphological and physiological Направено е сравнение на редица морфологични и физиологични indicators to identify resistance to salinity of three lines Paulownia (OXIТАМЕА and BELLISSIA), отгледани като хидропонна култура…. more info here →
  5. Ivanova K., V. Dimitrova, T. Georgieva, Y. Markovska, 2014. Effect of soil salinity on growth, gas exchange and antioxidant defense of two Paulownia lines. Published by the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. More info here


  • Adaptation of Paulownia elongata and its hybrids under different soil and climate conditions and agroecological impact evaluation. The project is implemented jointly with the Institute of soil science “Nikola Pushkarov” (The project is financed from the state)

Scope ІІІ – Selection of cultivars with valuable commercial characteristics.

The main direction of our research activities is to select new clones of woody species with superior qualities and wider areas of distribution. During 2012 we have finalized the work on selection of three new hybrids of Paulownia, which are protected with applications for intellectual rights under the Patent authority of Republic of Bulgaria.

Due to the huge interest in Goji berry, and with the aim to achieve better taste and growth characteristics of the current cultivars.During 2013 we have finished the selection of 4 new varieties of Goji berry: JB1, JB2, JB4 and JBX.

The new cultivar JB1 is already officially recognized and become part of the Bulgarian Official plant variety list and JB4 is patented and has certificate for intellectual rights under the Patent authority of Republic of Bulgaria and are exclusive intellectual property of BIO TREE ltd.

  • Certificate № 11085/04.07.2016 – cv JB1
  • Certificate № 11086/04.07.2016 – cv JB4